Dropdown Issues
Issue 6 - October 2004 |
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- OUM’s Academic Leadership by Example
- Staff Assembly and the Launch of OUM’s ‘Shared Values’ Booklet
- Majlis Nur Ramadan dan Berbuka Puasa bersama Anak-anak Yatim Asrama Darul Fala Perkim (ASDAF)
- Learner Connexxions and Tutor Connexxions gaining popularity, have you accessed them yet?
- Get-Together with the Media
- Visit from Officials of Ministry of Education, Thailand
- Visit Prof Dr Hans J.A. Van Ginkel, Rector, United Nations University
- The First IPD-NTP Certificate Presentation Ceremony
- Marketing Preview
- Activities held in OUM for the month of September - October 2004
- Editor’s note

29th September 2004
MyVLE Demonstration and
visit of delegates from
Universitas Padjadjaran
Delegates from UNPAD included
Dr Nury Effendi (Assistant Dean
of Academic Matters), Dr Rina
Indiastuti (Head of Economics
and Development Studies), Ms
Poppy Sofia and Mr Danny Amrul
Ichdan (representative from CMS
Education Group).

4th October 2004
Visit of from the National
Accounting Institute to the
Tan Sri Dr Abdullah Sanusi
Digital Library.
Officers from the National
Accountants Department from
the National Accounting Institute
Malaysia visited OUM’s Tan Sri Dr
Abdullah Sanusi Digital Library in
the effort to learn and adopt the
operational concept of digitised

7th October 2004
Visit of Delegates from
Universitas Riau (UNRI)
Working visit from delegates of
Universitas Riau (UNRI).
Delegates from UNRI included
Prof Muchtar Ahmad, Rector and
Tengku Daril.

9th October 2004
Visit of Delegates from
Universitas Ibn Khaldun,
On 9th October 2004, Open
University Malaysia (OUM)
received a courtesy visit ensuing
from the MOU signed in
Indonesia on 8th September
2004 between OUM and
Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA),
Bogor, Indonesia. Delegates from
UIKA included its Rector, Didin
Saefudin Bochori.

13th October 2004
Visit from the President, University of Science and Technology, Yemen
Professor Dawood Al-Hidabi, President, University of Science and Technology’s visit to OUM on
13th October 2004 culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the
two institutions.
Both institutions agreed to promote academic collaboration at diploma, degree and master’s level
and to exchange staff for teaching and research for mutual benefit. Prof Dr Dawood expressed
his keen interest in various subjects from the teaching of English, IT and Management, training of
teachers to OUM’s initiatives on quality. It is hoped that with the memorandum of understanding,
both UST and OUM will work closely to foster and enhance its relationship academically or
otherwise not only in Yemen but in its surrounding regions.
Editor's note
Greetings and a warm hello to all our readers.
The holy month of Ramadan for Muslims began on 15th October. It is a time of fast and
prayer, to strengthen family and community ties, a time to reflect on our past and
contemplate on our future. A time to give thanks for the simple things in life, good health,
happiness and prosperity. A time to share, care and give selflessly. Values that are central
in our busy daily lives.
In line with this blessed month, OUM was pleased to play host to a group of 80 orphans from
the orang asli community in a simple yet meaningful breaking of fast activity in Masjid
Wilayah. Gifts in cash and kind were also distributed to the orphans. We would like to thank
Jaya Jusco Stores Bhd for their kind support and contribution.
As the month draws to a close very soon and we are set on celebrating Hari Raya, we should
remember the poor and the less fortunate. Our shared values of caring, dedication,
innovativeness, integrity and professionalism should be held close to our hearts as we
continue to give our best to our students, our friends and of course to OUM.
Selamat Berpuasa, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.
Happy Reading
Publications Committee
Advisor YBhg Prof Tan Sri Datuk Dr Anuwar Ali
Chief Editor Prof Dr Ansary Ahmed
Editor Puan Meilina Puteh meilinaputeh@oum.edu.my
Writer Cik Rahayu Sri Kirana Ahmat Adam
Members Encik Repin Ibrahim
Prof Madya Dr Abtar Kaur
Prof Madya Dr Latifah Abdol Latif
Prof Madya Dr Zoraini Wati M Abbas
Encik Justin Chong
Puan Santhi Raghavan
Web Editor Mohd Shampudin Hassan webmaster@oum.edu.my
OPEN UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA Jalan Tun Ismail, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. Tel : 603-2773 2052 Fax : 603-2697 8825 |
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